Hello old fren. It’s been a while. You’re looking well. Me, oh nothing really, just smacking a bunch of Raw Beers. On the cards this week was a Raw Oatcream, focused on a new hop variety from the l...
This week we’ve been feeling pretty bitter. In the relentless pursuit of hop intensity we have been playing around (exceptionally unscientifically) with dry hopping at different concentrations, sta...
What makes a beer style; where science, semantics, marketing and history collide. With brewers so readily pushing envelopes, there’s never been such a rapid development of beer styles, as there is ...
We want to make every beer, well. But Westies are absolutely our go to. You see, when we first got into good beer, during the lupulin threshold shift of the early 2000s, the race was on to double d...
This week we were incredibly lucky to have a play with @yakimachief new flowable hop extract - YCH 702.These extracts are created by passing supercritical CO2 through a matrix of hop pellets. At mo...
Today we had the privilege of brewing a new style for us; a California IPA.As the semantics of which Coast and what esoteric modern hop flavours rages, we thought it’d be fun to try something that’...
Know thiolself. The more we eek out the hidden treasure of these intensely aromatic compounds, the more complex and enhanced our beers may become.While some research has focused on thiols in hops a...
It’s been a minute between drinks, but today we’re/I’m/we’m pretty excited about Thiols!A couple weeks back we were lucky enough to hang out with our matey mate Nick from @onedropbrewingco. Nick is...
Sour Out, Sour In. Last week we took out of barrels our first ever mixed culture fermentation. So this week, we filled up those barrels. While some of this gear is redunkulessly exciting, today we ...